Its an intriguing question and the answer might surprise you because when you compare the two, they are remarkably similar.
Before we get into the specifics, its necessary to look at the germ theory that underpins orthodox medicine. In germ theory, a germ is a germ is a germ. It has one form, never changes and it comes from outside the organism and creates disease. In order to eradicate the disease, all you have to do is identify the germ and kill it. So far, so good. Another name for this school of thought is monomorphism.
An altogether different theory of disease is pleomorphism. Here, a germ originates within the body and can take many forms. Germs are not the cause of disease but the result. There is only one disease, not many, and dis-ease merely reflects an imbalance inside the organism. Germs are benign and even helpful until their environment becomes too toxic and then they mutate into viruses, bacteria and finally fungi, each form being progressively more hostile to surrounding tissue. If the environment is returned to homeostasis however, they can change back again.
Pleomorphism is not new but because it contradicts the cut, nuke and drug mentality upon which modern medicine rests, its not very popular. Almost two decades before Pasteurs germ theory, Florence Nightingale said: The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.
The Cause of Disease is in us
A contemporary and rival of Pasteur, Antoine Bechamp, said: The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us. He was able to show scientifically that its not the bacteria or the viruses themselves that produce disease; they are an aftermath of diseased tissue. Germs are the chemical by-products and constituents of pleomorphic microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced, malfunctioning cell metabolism and dead tissue that actually produces disease. There were others that agreed with Bechamp, like Claude Bernard, who maintained: The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.
Unfortunately, the monomorphists and Pasteur won. He has gone down in the annals of history as a hero whilst brilliant researchers like Bechamp and Bernard have all but been forgotten. Pasteur was arrogant, impetuous and every bit a showman, being very good at what we now call public relations. His theory that every disease is associated with a particular micro-organism opened the doors for scores of microbe-hunters and the development of drugs to kill the naughty bugs. As there are countless numbers of microbes they are everywhere the potential for making boat loads of money led to the enormously profitable pharmaceutical industry we have today.
Had Bechamps theories been taken seriously, pharmaceutical production would have ground to a halt and medicine as we know it today would not exist. Pleomorphism, however, refuses to die altogether and bacteria with weird and wonderful life cycles continue to be found. They dont fit in with the accepted wisdom so either they are dismissed as anomalies or ignored altogether.
What are they missing?
The world of microbes is dizzyingly complex and much of modern research involves going deeper and deeper into the intricacies of these invisible microorganisms but from the monomorphic perspective because almost all microbiologists belong to that school. Added to this is the fact that fungi and mycotoxins are the least studied field in medicine.
The question is, how much and what are they missing? After studying pleomorphism for 21 years, Ernst Almquist, a Swedish microbiologist, said: Nobody can pretend to know the complete life cycle and all the varieties of even a single bacterial species. It would be a presumption to think so.
The decades-long and very expensive war on cancer has been lost. Despite pouring billions upon billions of dollars into finding the cure, cancer as a single entity is now the leading cause of death worldwide. Statistics from the UK show that death from lung cancer outstrips all other cancers and accounts for 22% of cancer deaths.
Of course this has all been blamed on smoking but did you know that cancer of the lungs mimics fungal infections? Or perhaps its the other way round fungal infections mimic cancer. Or cancer is a fungus? Fungal infection can present with clinical and radiological features that are indistinguishable from thoracic malignancy, such as lung nodules or masses. Doctors who are unaware of this prescribe chemotherapy which not only does not cure lung cancer but can make fungal infections much worse.
Its clear that the chemo isnt working so you would think that a paradigm shift was in order but it isnt happening. If one dose of poison doesnt work, apparently the solution must be to double the dose! In a multicenter randomized trial, patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were treated with monotherapy (one drug) or doublet therapy (a combination of drugs). Despite increased toxic effects, platinum-based doublet chemotherapy was associated with survival benefits compared with vinorelbine or gemcitabine monotherapy in elderly patients with NSCLC.
Sounds rosy and comforting until you see that the survival benefit was four months. Seriously, four months. There were more toxic side-effects but as the patients in both groups rated their quality of life pretty much the same, it seemed to have been worth it, especially as: The primary endpoint was overall survival. And did I mention the median age of the patients was 77? Has modern medicine gone completely mad?
Looking in all the wrong places
A Swedish physician and researcher, Erik Enby, is one of the few people trying to approach disease from a different angle. He has spent decades looking at blood samples from chronically ill patients, including many with cancer, and guess what he found? Intensive microbial activity! This microbial life displays pleomorphistic properties, thereby confirming earlier research and showing that pleomorphism should be considered an essential part of todays microbiological understanding.
Why havent researchers in mainstream research found the same? The simple answer is because they arent looking. Enby states: An important reason why virtually no researcher has thought of examining the presence of microorganisms in the blood from patients with different chronic diseases may be that within conventional haematological research it is assumed a priori that blood is sterile. This idea has continued to dominate the thinking within orthodox medicine and prevents research into the possible existence of microbial life in the blood.
So back to cancer as a fungus, specifically the candida fungus. Ask anyone who works with cancer patients and they will tell you that every single one of them has a candida problem. You can even smell it sometimes in late stage cancer, it smells like beer (its the candida fermenting in the gut).
There is an epidemic of candida worldwide which parallels the epidemic of cancer. Opportunistic fungal pathogens are becoming increasingly important causes of both community acquired and nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections. The most important fungal pathogens are yeast species belonging to the genus Candida. ..In recent years, despite advances in therapeutic methods and health care, the incidence of invasive systemic mycoses (fungal infections) has increased markedly.
Wherever you find cancer, you can find candida: Invasive candidiasis is a common and serious complication of cancer and its therapy. We know that chemotherapy destroys the immune system and makes candida infections worse but cancer seems to be a complication of candida and not the other way round. Underlying cancers, most commonly leukaemias and gastrointestinal tumors, were present in one-third of patients enrolled in this study of invasive candidiasis.
Every oncologist knows that leukemia and fungal infections go together like Batman and Robin. In fact the symptoms are so similar that aggressive anti-fungal treatment for a secondary fungal infection has been known to cure leukemia.
An Italian oncologist, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, comes right out and says that cancer is candida. He maintains that different tumors are not the result of genetic alteration, instead, it is always Candida that invades various anatomical parts, evoking different reactions as a function of the organs it feeds on.These behaviors are a function of the quantity and quality of the affected tissues. An organ whose connective tissue has been invaded defends itself with cellular hyper-productions that attempt to encyst the fungin colonies which are trying to completely colonize the organism.
Dr. Simoncini was disbarred from medicine in Italy for refusing to use chemotherapy on his patients. He had the temerity to cure them with bicarbonate of soda instead. Bicarb is a powerful antifungal. Its cheap, safe and it doesnt cause any side effects. It works so fast that the fungus cant build up any resistance to it, unlike chemical antifungals. Simoncini found that by administering a sodium bicarbonate solution through specific arteries he could reach almost any organ and painlessly disintegrate tumors.
He has been called a money-grabbing fraud and a quack offering false hope. He was a practicing oncologist dispensing chemo so its hard to understand why he would give up this lucrative line of work and incur the wrath of orthodox medicine unless he grew tired of seeing his patients suffer.
The late Milton White, MD said that cancer is a chronic, intracellular, infectious, biologically induced spore (fungus) transformation disease. He discovered fungal spores in every cancer tissue sample he ever studied.
So heres the thing, we all have candida. Everyone has candida organisms in their body because they are part of our commensal (symbiotic) bacteria. When someone says they have candida, what they really mean is a candida overgrowth. Under normal circumstances, candida is quite a helpful little bug which can keep other unfriendly organisms in check. It hangs around in the mucous membranes of the intestines, bladder, stomach, lungs and vagina in the form of oval yeast cells.
When the environment changes however, candida mutates in response and begins to develop into chains of elongated cells (pseudohyphae) and then into root like invasive filaments (hyphae). This is the fungal form of candida which can grow through the intestinal wall causing damage, leaky gut syndrome and inflammation.
Fungi are a whole kingdom unto themselves, being neither animals nor plants. They are probably the most diverse kingdom but also the most neglected because we dont know an awful lot about them. Plants make their own food, animals eat food but fungi absorb their food. If you were a fungus and you wanted to eat a chocolate cake, you would stick your fingers into the cake, drip digestive chemicals off your fingers, and absorb the cake directly through your skin into your body! That is how fungi eat: they send parts of their body (hyphae) directly into their food, secret chemicals which helps to break the food down into simpler molecules, and then absorb the food directly into their cells.
This delightful sounding process occurs when candida becomes systemic. The fungal form gets into the blood stream and can travel anywhere in the body where it takes up residence and starts colonizing an area. Many people associate candida only with thrush but it is a far bigger problem than that. An overgrowth can cause a laundry list of symptoms, from allergies to sinusitis, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, low blood sugar, diabetes, muscle and joint pain, feeling spacey and or hung over, brain fog, anxiety, depression, food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, cravings for sweets and bread, fatigue, mood swings and feeling TATT Tired. All. The. Time. It can also kill.
Number one culprit
What causes candida to grow out of control? Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in modern medicine are the worst culprits antibiotics. They kill off the good bacteria that would otherwise keep candida under control. HRT, the contraceptive pill, chemotherapy, radiation, corticosteroids, PPIs, junk food, sugar, refined carbohydrates, stress, toxins, mold and a weakened immune system can all contribute to an overgrowth.
Not surprisingly, it is estimated that 66 to 80% of the population in industrialized nations is affected by candida overgrowth. Conventional doctors generally dont recognize it because:
- They werent taught to look for it
- The symptoms are so diverse
- Theres no lab test to diagnose it. There are no rapid, accurate diagnostic tests that can confirm with certainty the presence of invasive fungal disease.
- Candida can grow quite slowly and so the symptoms change over time
- There is no pill that can be prescribed for candida because you have to change the environment in the body
- Most conventional doctors probably have it themselves! Feeling vertically ill is the new normal so if almost everyone is suffering the same, often vague but common symptoms; a diagnosis of candida overgrowth is unlikely from an orthodox perspective.
Candida overgrowth has exploded since the 1940s. Cancer has exploded since the 1940s. Antibiotic use has exploded since the 1940s.
Candida is invasive and travels via the bloodstream or lymph to colonize distant sites. Cancer is invasive and can travel via the bloodstream or lymph to colonize distant sites.
Candida is anaerobic. Cancer is anaerobic.
Candida loves sugar. Cancer cells love sugar.
Candida thrives in acidic conditions. Cancer thrives in acidic conditions. Tumour cells have a lower extracellular pH (pHe) than normal cells; this is an intrinsic feature of the tumour phenotype.
Candida produces lactic acid. Cancer cells produce lactic acid.
Candidas main waste product is acetaldehyde, which turns into ethanol. Ethanol is toxic to humans because it damages the enzymes necessary for energy production in cells and it also damages DNA by generating free radicals. The net result is extreme fatigue. It is thought that DNA damage is the primary cause of cancer.
I dont know about you but candida sure sounds like cancer to me. One last thing, turmeric and ginger have consistently been found to effectively shrink tumors and combat the spread of cancer. In a review of 11 studies, it was found that turmeric use reduced brain tumor size by a shocking 81%. And whaddya know, both turmeric and ginger are antimicrobial and antifungal. Just saying.