Just because you live in an apartment and do not have space for a garden doesnt mean that you cant benefit from fresh, homegrown herbs. Buying fresh herbs at the grocery store can be very expensive, especially if you use them often. The solution you are looking for may be easier than you think simply try growing your own herbs at home in a container!
Containers for Growing Herbs
The truth of the matter is that you can grow herbs in just about any container you simply have to choose one the right size for the type of herb you want to grow. Herbs are the perfect way to fill your window boxes or, if you dont have any, you can simply plant them in small pots. The most important thing you need to remember about herbs is that they require a lot of sunlight ideally, full sunlight for most of the day. If you have a patio, fire escape, front steps or even just a sunny window, that is where you should place your herbs.
When selecting containers for your herbs, choose plastic pots rather than ceramic or clay because they will be easier to move and less likely to crack. The size of the container will depend on the size of the plant, but realize that the more space you provide the larger the plant will be able to grow. Drainage is also important so select a container that has at least one good-sized hole in the bottom to drain excess water.
When in doubt, remember that bigger is better larger volumes of potting mix will retain moisture more easily than smaller volumes. Plus, you can also plant multiple herbs in one large plant rather than giving each its own small pot.
Best Herbs for Container Gardens
Now that you know the basics about how to grow herbs in your apartment, you may be wondering which varieties are best suited to this type of gardening. I have found that most herbs do well in containers, so it is really just a matter of preference. If you are looking for herbs with the best production and least amount of maintenance, however, consult this list:
Chives this herb forms grass-like hollow leaves that have an onion-like flavor. Chives tend to grow in clumps and they produce fragrant purple flowers in the spring. This herb requires well-drained soil and can tolerate shade, though it does best in full sunlight.
Basil an Italian annual herb, basil makes a great companion plant for other herbs like thyme and parsley. This plant requires a container that holds at least 5 gallons of soil and it does best in moist soil and full sunlight.
Cilantro also known by the name Coriander, cilantro produces tangy leaves that go well in salads and salsas. This herb can tolerate some shade but does best in full sun it also requires at least 12 inches of soil depth due to a long taproot.
Tarragon a classic French herb, tarragon is often used to season fish and soups. Tarragon requires full sunlight and well-drained soil. This particular herb tolerates drought fairly well and should not be overwatered.
Oregano this herb is very versatile, used to flavor meats as well as soups and sauces. Oregano is a shrubby herb that requires full sunlight and well-drained soil. The more sun this herb gets, the more pungent its flavor will be.
Rosemary this herb is actually an evergreen shrub often used in Mediterranean cuisine. Rosemary likes to be kept in hot, sunny areas with quickly draining soil. When kept indoors, the soil must be kept moist but it should never be wet.
Sage this herb is often used for seasoning poultry. Sage does best in full sunlight with moist, well-drained soil. This herb is often used to give structure to container gardens when planted with other low-growing herbs.
Thyme there are many different varieties of thyme, but all of them do best in full sunlight with well-drained soil. This herb does not tolerate wet soil well, so be sure to avoid overwatering.
Mint this herb is particularly recommended for container planting because it tends to become invasive when planted directly in the garden. Mint can be grown in full sun or partial shade and it tolerates a variety of different soil types.
When it comes to growing herbs in your apartment, you should now see that the options are virtually endless. You can have a few small pots with just your favorite herbs or you can have large containers filled to the brim with every herb imaginable.
Just remember that herbs require as much sunlight as possible and that container plants need more careful watering than outdoor plants. If you keep these things in mind, however, you should have no problem growing flavorful herbs right in your home.