Chocolates are obviously delicious and so it is normal to be wondering if you can also give your little one some of it. Whenever you see something that has a really yummy taste, all you want to do is share it with your baby and let him experience the same feeling of joy you get when you taste melting and watering flavor of the chocolate.
However, a lot of moms and dads have their share of stories about babies having allergic responses to chocolates. Although some parents survived the horrible allergic reactions, many of them are already quite hesitant to give any solid foods to their babies. Fortunately, there have been no proven studies that demonstrate the adverse reactions of chocolate on babies. At one-year-old, it is at this time your baby can eat chocolate. You begin to wonder if chocolates are good for babies. Heres what I found out.
Chocolates are made up of caffeine in small quantity. While this may not be enough reason for adults to be bothered with, any caffeine, no matter how much quantity it is, can cause negative impacts on your baby.
Chocolates are also made up of stimulants. When you combine sugar with milk fat, they can convert into a cocktail that your baby may not be able to handle. Chocolates also have theobromine, which can have a stimulating effect even on an average adult. Moreover, chocolates have phenylethylamine, which deviates from the list of recommended foods for the baby.
Anandamide is another component of chocolate, which when combined with other ingredients, may have an effect on the function of the brain. The chemicals present in chocolates can cause some problems with your babys neurologic functions. Hence, it is best to keep them from eating chocolates until they are much completely developed.
While chocolates may be found in the cocoa bean, giving them to your baby can merely increase the heartbeat and result to other reactions. Babies bodies are designed to ingest formula or breast milk during the first four to six months because your little ones digestive system is not fully capable of handling solid foods yet. Even after 6 months, it would take a while before your baby can wean into solid mashed foods.
Babies usually begin on wet cereals and pureed vegetables as well as mashed foods and pureed meat. This may last for the next 6 months. During those months, chocolates are not recommended. Though there is no proof that shows the connection between moderate caffeine consumption and serious complications, it is best to avoid giving your baby caffeine products.
When babies are still less than a year old, their systems are quite sensitive even with small quantities of caffeine. When chocolates are given to your baby, this may stimulate him and keep him alert all night. It may also make him uncomfortable while in bed or in the crib. Sometimes, this may also lead your babies to throw off feeding and sleeping routines.
A teaspoon of chocolate milk has one milligram of caffeine. On the other hand, a teaspoon of dark chocolate has 4 milligrams of caffeine. Toddlers who are less than 2 years old should avoid chocolates at all costs. Though babies are less than a year old and have small developing teeth, they are potential candidates for tooth decay.
When you give chocolates to your baby, the sugar may speed up tooth decay because it offers a food source for mouth bacteria that produce acids. In addition, cleaning the teeth of your baby might be challenging. The acids that accumulate around the teeth are from the foods they eat. Chocolates are made up of sugar. Providing your baby some chocolates may lead to poor oral health.
For some people, chocolates are believed to have laxative components. While there is not enough evidence supporting this claim, this can be another important reason to avoid giving chocolates. As adults, we love all kinds of chocolates and are frequently seeking ways to make them more delectable. Nonetheless, there is a place and time for all things, and sooner or later, your little one will turn into an adult and become completely aware of all the kinds of chocolates around them.
So, there is no need to be in a hurry to get your baby to eat foods before they even know what their components are. You might be thinking your baby is born with some special love for and that you feel he would enjoy a piece of chocolate now and then to stimulate his taste buds and consume something decadent. This is one traditional case of conveying your thoughts to your baby.
Because your baby doesnt know that a whole world of food, as well as tastes, is present outside the realm of his consciousness, he will not get bored with the foods that you feed him. Simply you are the one getting bored eating what you feed them. Certainly, it can be boring to offer the same kind of foods to your child day in and day out.
Try to introduce new vegetables and fruits rather than resorting to a dose of chocolates. Allow your baby to feed on formula and breast milk. It will do well if you offer him a piece of chocolate cake on his first birthday. But you need to watch him and make sure that he doesnt mess up.
Chocolates have lots of calories and with little nutritional advantage. Encouraging your baby to get used to high sugar foods can result in problems such as obesity. Some little ones show allergic responses to chocolates. According to the United States Department of Agricultures nutrition assistance program, chocolates may present an allergic reaction to babies. If you observe light diarrhea or extreme sickness after providing your baby some chocolates, avoid giving him more. If there is a rash, fevers, or other symptoms, bring your baby to the doctor right away.
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