Infertility in women is more common than you think. Did you know that 10% of women have trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant? Infertility in women is very hard to deal with and many are simply too ashamed to come forward to treat the problem.
While there are many causes of infertility in women, Ovulation Disorders account for 25% of infertile couples.
Cervical narrowing is also another leading cause of infertility and this occurs when you have at some point sustained some type of damage to your cervix. This disorder makes it difficult for the egg to get to an area where the sperm has easy access to it.
Endometriosis affects approximately 10% of infertile couples. Women that have this disorder will see that their monthly chances of getting pregnant is reduced significantly from 12-18%. This disorder is characterized as the rapid growth of the uterine lining. Symptoms of Endometriosis would include prolonged and painful menstrual cycles.
There are 3 main factors that could determine whether or not you become pregnant, which are:
Ovulation In order to get pregnant you need to ovulate. Ovulation is the process of when your body releases, or drops an egg that is ready to become fertilized by the sperm. If you are unsure about when your body ovulates, you can consult with your gynecologist, and he/she will be able to give you a more specific time period of when you have the best chances to achieve pregnancy.
Male Partner Needs Sperm For most couples this isnt a problem. If youre unsure of the potency of your partners sperm, his doctor can run a few simple tests to determine the health of his sperm.
Intercourse You must have regular intercourse, especially during your fertile time period for your best chances of getting pregnant.
There are not too many symptoms that surface related to your infertility. The main symptom of infertility is the inability to become pregnant. If you have been trying to become pregnant for one year or more and have been unsuccessful, than you may have fertility issues. If your menstrual cycle is abnormal, such as it being too short or too long, this could also be a sign of infertility.
The best way to fight your infertility is to become proactive and well informed on the issue. Knowledge is power, and with the right knowledge you may increase your chances of getting pregnant greatly!
Also, dont forget that you may just be having intercourse at the wrong times! In the first instance an appointment with a doctor to determine if you have a fertility issue and from there the best way to deal with it to achieve pregnancy.