Find out How the Wholistic Natural Yoga Detox Approach Works
We all know that Yoga is good for us. It offers countless benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is also a highly adaptable practice, which can be adjusted to support whatever physical or mental process we might be exploring. One of the many applications of Yoga is detoxification. Inner Heat Yoga boosts the…
Discover Restorative Yoga Benefits for Weight Loss the Easy Way
What if we told you that loosing weight is simpler than you might think? This is little bit of a trick question. Maintaining a healthy weight is a complex dance that is controlled by our genetics, eating choices, activity level, and other lifestyle factors. It is definitely easier for some people than others to find…
How to Detox Your Body Naturally with Simple Detox Yoga Poses
Over the past decade or so, detox has become nothing short of a trendy idea. As people are exposed to an increasing amount of toxins in the environment and in processed foods, they are searching for ways to reduce the negative impact on their bodies. One way is through detoxing. Many turn to a strict…
5 Simple Yet Effective Yoga Poses for Depression and Anxiety Relief
More than $11 billion is spent each year on antidepressants in the United States. That startling statistic provides some insight into the number of people in America who live with depression ranging from clinical depression to feeling down. Many more people experience depression but avoid medication because of the side effects or would rather use…
What to Eat Before Yoga for an Optimal Performance in Class?
To eat or not to eat? That is the question. And its a question thats asked by many yogis. You know yoga fires up the digestive system, so is eating prior to practice a good idea? The answer is yes but with a few caveats. Be smart about what you eat. Below is a list…
Big Toe Pose Tutorial for Beginners
Padangusthasana Each asana in yoga has multiple benefits physical and mental. One pose has the ability to stretch muscles from head to toe, calm your mind, improve digestion, stimulate your liver and help you sleep better. And, unlike some advanced yoga poses, it doesnt require you to twist in knots, balance on one foot or…
Major Physical & Mental Reasons why Athletes Do Yoga!
Sports fans and non-sports fans alike cant help but be impressed by the athletic performances on display in Sochi, Russia at the Olympic Winter Games. These athletes spend countless hours to training in their selected sport. But training to be the best in your sport, whether youre going for gold or going for your own…
5 Mental Skills of Winning Athletes
Its the ultimate sporting event the Olympic Winter Games. From the lighting of the Olympic Flame to the closing ceremonies, its an event I look forward to every four years. This year the Games will bring together around 6,000 athletes from 85 countries, each one hoping to take home gold and prove theyre the best…
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before My First Hot Yoga Class
Its all the rage these days. Steamy rooms filled with sweaty yogis busting their way through an intense flow in a heated room. Some people find hot Yoga incredibly cathartic and healing, and others just want a workout. If you are thinking of taking a hot Yoga class, there are a few things you might…
Top Best Healthy Carbs for Weight Loss
Carbohydrates have developed a negative stigma in recent years and many people trying to lose weight have eliminated them from their diet. Ive talked to people recently who believe carbs are the so-called enemy of weight loss and have given up many of their favorite foods in an effort to shed pounds. Though it is…