6 Amazing Home Remedies To Cure Rosacea
Rosacea, a chronic disease affects approximately 14 million Americans. The cause of this disease is unknown. It appears mainly near the chin, cheeks, and the nose. Rosacea appears more on fair-skinned people and affects 5% of Americans. Rosacea causes redness and it results in enlargement of the blood vessels. If you are suffering from Rosacea,…
5 Natural Remedies for Soothing Sensitive Teeth
There are many people who suffer from sensitive teeth and for them a constant reminder of pain waiting to pop up makes it hard to get through the day. The sensitivity can be caused from harsh tooth brushing, teeth grinding that can wear away tooth enamel, or eating lots of acidic food. Many of the…
Turmeric and Coconut Oil for Healing Acne
Modern pharmaceutical and beauty businesses are designed to make money. They do not always have our best interests at heart. Chemical treatments are presented as the only option for many ailments, when often they have intense side effects and should really only be a last resort. Some of the most potent ways to care for…
Best Home Remedies for Arthritis
As we age, we change. Some of these changes are wonderful, like becoming wiser and cultivating greater self-awareness. But some changes can be uncomfortable and painful, like developing arthritis. If you are starting to lose grace in your hands, feet, and joints, it can be easy to feel old and frustrated. But there are simple…
Ginger, Who? An ancient natural healer
I was looking through recipes the other day and found myself frowning! Thats a bit unusual, since Im usually upbeat when I think about cooking. I hesitated though, when I came to one recipe, because it included a picture of ginger root. Ginger, who? Ive used ginger for years, but what is it, really? A…
Reduce Effects of Low Blood Pressure with these Home Remedies
Low blood pressure can be just as serious an issue as high blood pressure. And just like high blood pressure, there are things you can do without medication to improve your condition. It is important to consult with your doctor and determine the reason for your abnormally low blood pressure before trying any treatments. If…
Home remedies to naturally prevent cracked heels
The truth is that almost everyone suffers from cracked heels at one point in their life! It tends to be a little worse during the winter months, but a large percentage of people deal with this problem year round! There are lots of expensive treatments available on the market but there are some really good…
Home remedies to live a healthier and longer life with Diabetes
Though there is no official cure for diabetes, there are those who believe it is possible to reverse the disease. Type II diabetes, also called adult onset diabetes (though more and more adolescents and children are showing signs of this disease) is brought on by diet and lifestyle. People can be genetically at risk, but…
Controlling high blood pressure remedies
High blood pressure is a condition that affects millions of people in the world. Thirty percent of Americans, including adults, teenagers and some children are afflicted with the disease. Also called hypertension, high blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke and one of the major risk factors for a heart attack. Conventional treatments for…