BREAKING NEWS… The Truth About “Health Drinks”
We all need a little pick me up now and again. And if we are trying to lose weight or increase athletic performance, something that promises to give us more energy while also supporting our health goals can sound miraculous. But we live in the age of flashy marketing and quick fixes that end up…
7 Healthy Snacks To Keep In Your Gym Bag
We have all been in that situation where we wished we had a healthy snack in our purse or gym bag. Instead, you end up eating something you really did not want (processed food or another latte) and then regret it. If only I had packed something healthy, you say. Dont get stuck with cardboard…
Your Favorite Smoothies Are Making You Fat!
Im a big fan of blending and liquid meals: juices, smoothies and soups. Smoothies are all the rage and with good reason, they are an awesome way to add great nutrients: fruit, veggies, supplements filled with enzymes, phytochemicals that are wonderful for you. So you want to get your smoothies and use them also to…
10 Healing Benefits of Drinking Green Tea!
Tea has been revered and enjoyed all over the world for thousands of years. The brewed leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant create a warming and stimulating beverage that is the most widely drunk other than water. There are countless ways to prepare tea, from plucking the first spring leaves of young trees to aged…
10 Reasons KALE Is The Real Thing!
Vegetables hold a special place in our hearts here at MHLC. Full of essential nutrients and radical flavor, we believe that eating plenty of whole vegetables forms the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. And while nearly all vegetables are pretty wonderful, there are a few that stand out as real nutritional powerhouses, offering a lot…
What are the benefits of Turmeric? Why are people raving about it?!
Turmeric is a pungent yellow spice, often sold in ground form. It is derived from the root of the Curcuma Longa Plant. Native to Indonesia and Southern India, it has been some thing of a wonder drug in both Indian, and Chinese, healing systems, since the 7th century. It has treated symptoms such as fevers…
Do Fast Food Companies Have to Take Responsibility for the Obesity Epidemic?
We are facing a worldwide epidemic. In industrialized nations all over the world, one of the biggest health threats is obesity. While being a few pounds overweight is not that big of deal, health wise, being obese (more than 30 percent over the ideal weight for a persons height and age) is dangerous. It puts…
10 Foods for Feeling Sexy in the Bedroom
Joyful sex is one of the great pleasures of life. And like so many of the good things in life, our ability to enjoy sex to the fullest is greatly dependent on our overall health and radiance. A healthy lifestyle that includes nutritious food, plenty of sleep, consistent exercise, and outlets for our creativity are…
Is Chocolate Good for Me?
Oh chocolate. One of our favorite foods. When making the shift to healthy lifestyle, even when we cut out sugary treats chocolate is often the last thing to go. It touches a particular place in humans, soothing and exciting us in a way that few other foods can. But is that good or bad? Can…
10 Ingredients for a Healthy Salad
We love our salads around these parts. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, interesting combinations of vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats make up the foundations of our meals. If you are new to the wonderful world of salads, or just curious about our favorites, here are ten must-have ingredients for salads that will nourish and delight you….