Ten Ways to Have Whatever You Want, Providing You Go for It in a Happy Way
Likely, you will have heard of the Law of Attraction, or otherwise termed the art of manifestation. We can attain what we would like as the universe abides by certain laws. Once known, we can use these laws to our advantage. You can have what you want. The quickest route to having what you want…
Is Your Unhappiness Killing You?
Science is beginning to understand how much our feelings affect the world around us. Our thoughts and perspective have more power over our bodies and our lives than most people realize. We live in an age where many people spend the majority of their waking hours doing work that is not fulfilling. Happiness is becoming…
Will Vipassana Help Me Find Happiness?
Our world is running on stress and overwhelm. Many, many people are deeply unhappy nearly all the time, living in patterns that only perpetuate that unhappiness. If we do not change how we operate as a species, we are all going to burn ourselves out. A big part of the problem is our tendency to…
10 Ways of Leading a Simple Life
Our world is obsessed with more. More money, more fame, more frontiers to discover and things to collect. But the greatest frontier is discovering what makes humans truly happy and healthy. Happiness is not about how much stuff you have. The newest techno gadget or other toy is not, at the end of the day,…
Money Can’t Buy Happiness
The way most of the world acts, you would think that money is the substance of life. We give all our time for it, prioritizing it over our families and friends, and sometimes even our health. We fight over it, steal for it, kill for it, and are destroying the planet for it. But money…
10 Ways to Live a Simple Life
Life is inherently simple. It is we who are complicated. So many of us fill every available moment and square inch of space with doing, buying, and striving. Our physical and mental stuff, that we think will make us happy if we have more of it. But this addiction to busyness is killing us. Stress…
10 Ways for Me to Have Whatever I Want
Being an adult can be really hard sometimes. The responsibilities of keeping a life going can overwhelm us, until we compromise our dreams and resign ourselves to just getting by. But I do not believe that we are given this incredible life to just go through the motions. Its impossible that we have been given…
10 Ways to Develop More Purpose in My Life
After food, shelter, and community, one of the most basic human needs is meaning. To feel truly fulfilled as human beings, we need to feel like we contribute to the world in a valuable way. While many people just go through the motions of life, most of us need a sense of purpose to truly…
What Can I Do to Get Inspired About Life?
If only inspiration were something you could buy at the store. How much easier would it be to stay motivated and excited about life if we could just always be inspired? But we are not built like that. Even the most creative people occasionally have times when the juices are just not flowing. If your…
We Can’t Change Others, We Can Only Change Ourselves!
Many of us are motivated by a desire to create positive change in the world. But looking outside of ourselves for change is not the answer. It can be so easy to think everything would be better if other people changed. To see something that could use improvement in someone elses life, and fixate on…