The perfect diet to lose weight seamlessly
Whether you want to lose weight for an upcoming family event or are sick of not fitting into your old precious dresses, the excess weight can cling on like the worst enemy there is! While most fad diets and weight loss tips do not do the trick, we have thus compiled the ideal diet and…
Bodybuilding workout routine
Introduction: It is possible to achieve your bodybuilding goal with 5 days workout plan. The gurus of bodybuilding and experts have introduced 5 days workout plan for all person to go with this in the gym and they will get their desired results. Workout plan for five days is the most popular workout program among…
Can Music really help to heal the body?
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration Nikola Tesla Every known human culture plays music and every ancient culture believed in the healing powers of music. Many of them thought that the universe was created from sound and that music followed the same laws…
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)….should I STAY or GO!
BPD this subject still makes me feel raw, years after the fact. Once you have been intimately involved with this condition, your life will never be the same. Remember that song by the Clash that goes like this? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble An if…
10 Steps to Love Myself: I Don’t Need to Be in Relationship Until I Know that I’m Ok!
Love is the web of life. At our essence, we are beings made of love. Since it is our natural state, we do not need to seek love outside of ourselves. But that is exactly what so many people do. Instead of tapping into the fountain of love that lives in our centers, we search…
10 Ways to Invest in Yourself… It’s Worth It!
At the end of our lives, it will not be the number of dollars in our bank accounts that determines our levels of satisfaction with the time that we had on this planet. People on their deathbeds never regret not having earned more money or spending more time on the Internet. When all is said…
Ten Ways to Have Your Dream Life – How the World’s Most Successful People Have Achieved Their Goals
We often comfort ourselves with the belief that successful people are successful by default. We believe they were born with golden opportunities, or blessed with extraordinary luck. This isnt true. Most successful people have worked hard at their personal and professional goals, made sacrifices and refused to give up. There are common characteristics shared by…
What’s the Purpose of Life?
This question has been at the forefront of human consciousness since we had enough time to do anything more that just survive. Once we reached a state of development that gave us space to choose how we spend our time, we began to wonder about the purpose of existence. We are blessed with self-awareness and…
One Thing We All Want and Don’t Have!
We live in the age of instant gratification. With a click or tap we can have almost anything we want, if we have the resources. But even with the ready availability of all sorts of things to satisfy our desires, many people are deeply unhappy. Because although we can buy almost anything these days, the…
Forget About Anger and Bitterness… Invite Kindness and Love Into YOUR Life
It seems like most people are set to always angry mode. The stress of our modern world and all that goes with being a responsible adult weighs heavily on us. It makes us act in ways that at some level we know are unhealthy, but cannot seem to stop. Emotions have a snowball effect. Sending…