5 Ways to Love Yourself MORE!
At the heart of nearly every wisdom tradition is the instruction to cultivate self-love. We can only love others, or receive the love that other people would give us, when we love ourselves. Our ability to be happy, healthy, and truly productive is in direct proportion to our capacity for self-love. But while this important…
Are You Being a Victim and Blaming Others?
Isnt it such a natural reaction when anything goes wrong to look for something (or someone) to blame? As human beings, we do it all the time. It seems to be one of the egos most well developed defense mechanisms. We dont want to be wrong. We want to guard against feelings of shame and…
10 Ways to Achieve Mental Toughness
Its a challenging time to be a human being. There is a lot of beauty in the world, and it is possible to make dreams come true. But there is a lot of ugliness, too, and it can be really challenging to accomplish anything. Anyone who wants to excel, innovate, and experience true success needs…
You Have All the Answers WITHIN Yourself
We all have questions about ourselves and our world. In the eternal quest to understand how to be happy, healthy, and effective, we can easily get lost in the multitude of opinions and ideas floating around. Some information is helpful to get from the outside world, like how to make a raw pie or how…
Reclaim Your Power NOW!
Personal empowerment is a hot topic these days. It seems more and more people are beginning to understand that true power comes from within. It cannot be given to us by anyone else. But we can give our power away. And most of do, in thousands of tiny ways every day. If you feel like…
10 Ways to Handle Criticism from Others
Most of us do our best every day. We all want to feel accepted and appreciated, but it does not always turn out that way. Whatever your work in the world, if you landed here at My Healthy Living Coach.com you are probably committed to living a healthy, meaningful life that includes self-evaluation and growth….
Seeing the Forest and the Trees
Life is a dance between joy and sorrow, celebration and grief, gain and loss. It can be so easy to get lost in our current emotional experience that we lose perspective. We tend to grasp onto joy, forgetting that it will one day pass and leave us with only our memory and wishing. And we…
Ten Ways to Relax and Feel Comfortable about Who You Are
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson Heres ten ways you can begin to cherish the wonderful individual that you are: Recognize your uniqueness There is not a single person on the planet who has the same mix of experiences,…
What Does Authenticity Really Look Like?
We are sometimes told, just be yourself. But what does that really mean? What does it mean to be authentic in a world that demands so much of us everyday? And can anyone teach us how to be authentic? What Is Authenticity? Defining authenticity is like trying to explain the meaning of life. We can…
Are You Good Enough?
Whatever our life circumstance, our levels of happiness and enjoyment of life are directly related to how we feel about ourselves. A person who seems successful but constantly judges and disapproves of himself on the inside is going to be miserable, however great his life may appear to others. Of all that we learn in…