How to Smash Your Fears and Master a New You!
Everyone experiences fear. It is a normal part of life. The world is an unpredictable and sometimes dangerous place. Fear serves a vital function, and at times listening to fear and acting accordingly can save our lives. When an animal experiences fear, in most instances it is some sort of physical danger. The fear triggers…
10 Ways to Invest in Yourself… It’s Worth It!
At the end of our lives, it will not be the number of dollars in our bank accounts that determines our levels of satisfaction with the time that we had on this planet. People on their deathbeds never regret not having earned more money or spending more time on the Internet. When all is said…
10 Reasons to Be Celibate!
Sex is one of the most popular topics in the word today. It is glamorized, demonized, used to sell products, uplift personal image, and degrade people. It can be a source of some of the most immense joy and terrible pain possible in life. Many people find that healthy and fulfilling sex is a beneficial,…
Open Relationships: Liberating or Dangerous?
There are many ways to create health and balance in relationships. What creates freedom and safety for one couple may be stultifying or harmful for another. Many people struggle with feeling like their relationship is not meeting all of their needs, or they are not able to be authentic with their partners. Some couples are…
Is Sex a Requirement in Romantic Relationships?
Joyful, fulfilling sexual intimacy is one of the cornerstones of a healthy life. While not as essential as food and shelter, most adults include consensual and enjoyable sexual intimacy as important aspects of overall well-being. According to health experts and a number of studies, consistent sex contributes to health in a number of ways, including…
10 Ways to Re
When asked what they have enjoyed the most in their lives, elderly people often speak of love. They tell stories about their spouses of many decades, or flings they had in their youth. In speaking of this love, while the companionship and support are usually mentioned and greatly appreciated, it is the memories of romance…
What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?
We all see the world in different ways. While most of us agree upon a shared reality within which we operate, we are all living inside of our own individual reality structures. Some people are more easily able to reconcile their individual realities with the realities of others: to get along and cooperate with people…
Ten Ways to Have Your Dream Life – How the World’s Most Successful People Have Achieved Their Goals
We often comfort ourselves with the belief that successful people are successful by default. We believe they were born with golden opportunities, or blessed with extraordinary luck. This isnt true. Most successful people have worked hard at their personal and professional goals, made sacrifices and refused to give up. There are common characteristics shared by…
My Life is Falling Apart – What Do I Do?!
Suddenly everything familiar to you is gone. You are in free-fall, with nothing to cling to. You have no idea where youre going to land. Everything is breaking down and you dont know what to do. Sometimes, the catalyst can be painfully humiliating. You made a mistake that cost you big, or suffered a self-shattering…
10 Ways to Be the Very Best at Everything You Do
Life is made of wins and losses. Sometimes we succeed at fulfilling our obligations or bringing our dreams into reality, and sometimes we fail. What matters the most is not whether we win, but how we play this game of life. Ultimately, we cannot control outcomes. But we can control how much effort we put…