Are Happy People Healthier?
We know that happy people carry a certain spark that lights up a room. When we are in the presence of a truly happy person we cannot help but feel lighter and more expansive ourselves. But does this buoyancy translate to greater health? In a word Yes! Happy people tend to be that way because…
Learning How to Lighten Up
Is it always life or death for you? Have you made every little thing so important that youve squeezed the joy out of life? Are you hard on yourself when you fail? Do your friends and family tell you that you need to lighten up? Or do you feel isolated because people are uncomfortable around…
5 Vegan Wines for Valentine’s Day
Looking to impress your Vegan sweetheart with a nice bottle of wine this Valentines Day? Then make sure the wine you pick is vegan. You may not think about wine being non-vegan. After all, it comes from grapes. But it turns out many wineries use animal products to help in the clarifying process. Some of…
5 Things Successful People Do Before Starting Their Days
We all want the secret to success. But just like a healthy body and joyful relationships, success usually requires dedication and consistency. The most important time of day to set yourself up for success is the early morning hours. Most of the well-known people through history would awaken long before 7a.m. to start their days….
End the Struggle and Dance With Life
The pleasure we derive from life is not based on what happens to us, it is created by our responses. Two people can be in the exact same situation and have two completely different experiences depending on their perceptions. While we cannot always control what happens outside of us, we can learn to shift our…
Lifestyle Changes to Treat Depression in Men
Men often believe that they have to be strong at all times that means being in control of your emotions. When feelings of depression strike, it is often viewed as a weakness of failure but this doesnt have to be the case. Read more to learn about lifestyle changes that will help with the treatment…
Which Parts of Our Body Age the Fastest?
We are as young as we feel. Chronological age and true age can often be very different, depending on our diet and lifestyle habits. I feel younger and more energized than I did 10 years ago because of how different my life is now, and I believe my cells would show that under a microscope….
Money Fears… Are They a Symptom of a Deeper Fear?
Theres that old saying, Money is the root of all evil. But truly, money is valueless. Like so much else in life, it only has the meaning we give it. If you experience fear about money, regardless of how much you have or how much you need, its possible that your fear is rooted in…
How Do Stress and Anxiety Affect Brain Health and Productivity?
Weve all had those days where we simply dont have a moment to breathe. After you drop the kids off at school you have to pick up the dry cleaning and get to work yourself. In addition to picking the kids up from school, you also have to run to the store and get dinner…
6 Mistakes Which Can Put You on the Divorce Track
Marriage can be challenging. Building a life with another person takes a great deal of effort and married couples should not expect everything to be perfect at all times. Nonetheless, research shows a happy marriage is worth the effort. A study conducted by researchers from Michigan State University and the University of Cincinnati showed that…