A delicious guilt-free dessert, this chocolate cake hides a secret the cacao powder was substituted with Carob, a low-fat, flavorful, naturally sweet and no-caffeine ingredient. Carob plays excellent the chocolate flavor part in this cake, and nobody will suspect anything when serving just tell your guests afterward theyll have a great surprise!

Ingredients (Serves 4)
1 cup hazelnuts
2 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp Carob
2 ripe avocados
1 ripe banana
2 tbsp agave nectar
A handful of goji and pomegranate seeds for decorating

** Crush the hazelnuts and mix them in a bowl with 1 tbslp coconut oil and 1 tbslp carob powder.

** Spread the mixture into a cake pan with removable bottom, cover with plastic foil, and leave it in the fridge, as coconut oil will harden and you will get a in a firm cake base.

** Peel the avocados, remove their kernels, chop them and place them in a food processor bowl with the chopped banana, the agave syrup, 1 tblsp coconut oil and 2 tblsp carob powder, and blend them untill you obtain a smooth mixture.

** Take the cake pan out of the refrigerator, spread the mousse over the walnut base, and put the pan back in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

** Remove the cake from the pan, and decorate with goji and pomegranate before serving.